Registration · Transfer
Breeding Reports · Studbook
Policies and Procedures
All SMR forms are available as downloadable PDFs. Payments can be mailed along with forms or made through our online store. If you have any questions about any forms, procedures or payments, please contact the registrar.
Horse Registrations
All horses out of registered sire and dam shall be eligible for registration on the Spanish Mustang Registry, Inc. and shall receive a certificate of registration upon application to the Registrar with the proper paperwork, required photographs, and fee. It is the Registrar’s duty to ascertain eligibility and if any questionable or potentially fraudulent registration is proposed, the Registrar shall immediately contact the Board of Directors. Registrar will follow up FIRST with any needed clarifications or questions before any actions are taken.
Horse Registration Guidelines (as required by the Registrar)
Registration of all eligible horses requires:
A Foaling Report and Stallion Report must be on file with the Registrar for the horse to be registered.
An official application from the Spanish Mustang Registry, Inc. which must be filled out completely, signed by the owner of the proposed horse, and with three alternate names in case of duplication.
Four color photos showing front (including all face markings), rear and both sides. Photos must be clear and the color accurately portrayed. Photos must show all parts of horse including ears and hooves.”
Payment in the form of cash, money order or check made out to the Spanish Mustang Registry, Inc. in the correct amount, as listed on the back of the application, or payment through our online store (additional fees may apply).
Please insure your horse is eligible for registration before sending in your applications and fee. Only horses born of two SMR registered parents can be registered with the SMR. If in doubt, please contact the Registrar first to avoid disappointment.
Please read ALL guidelines below carefully and adhere to them when sending in your documents!
▸ ALL pertinent questions on the application for registration MUST be filled in. Date of foaling, sex , color, markings, etc.
▸ ANY horse to be registered born 2012 and after MUST appear on a Stallion report and Foaling report already on file with the Registrar. IF there is no Stallion or Foaling report already on file then DNA tests MUST be done to prove the animal is from registered parents. For horses to be registered born prior to 2012, please contact the Registrar.
▸ There must be THREE names for the horse listed in the order of preference. (One name is not adequate as many times that one name has already been used.)
▸ Names of sire, dam, grandsires and granddams must be listed with numbers (if possible).
▸ The diagrams on the second page MUST be filled in by the owner.
▸ Clear, concise legible writing is necessary, as is the signature of the owner of the horse.
▸ E-mail addresses of the owners should be included on the application.
▸ Fees for registration are shown on the second page of the application, correct fee as shown on the back of the application is required if using money order, cash or check.
Photos MUST be done by a commercial photographic process. If quality is not appropriate, additional photos may be requested by registrar. No colored photocopies on plain paper/photographic paper are acceptable due to risk of future fading. There must be four full body close up shots of each horse, one of each side, one of the rear and one of the front end showing face markings. Photos must show all parts of horse including ears and hooves. As many body markings as possible should be shown and with accurate color. Photos of a group of horses in a field at a distance with an arrow marking the particular horse is not adequate. Photos should be taken primarily of the horse in question, not of a group of horses with the horse in question mixed with the group. It should be kept in mind that foals can change color when they shed their foal coats, to be accurate, it is recommended that they not be registered until their permanent coat is in place. It is also recommended that photos be in summer coat, if at all possible. Photos should be in standard size, 6" x 4".
Annual Stallion Breeding and Mare Foaling Reports became mandatory January 2011. The Stallion Breeding Report is due to the Registrar before the end of the calendar year of the date of the breeding. The Mare Foaling Report is due to the Registrar before the end of the calendar year of the date of the foaling and, effective July 1, 2012, must be accompanied by a single photograph of the foal showing all unique markings. If BOTH the Stallion Report and the Foaling Report are not on file with the Registrar for the horse to be registered then there must be DNA testing to establish parentage and the registration fees for that horse will be increased. In the situation where the stallion is leased/borrowed or otherwise not in the possession of the registered owner, whoever is in possession of the stallion at the time of the breeding must file the Stallion Breeding report. In the situation where the mare is leased/borrowed or otherwise not in the possession of the registered owner, whoever is in possession of the mare at the time of the foaling must file the Foaling Report.
These foals are eligible for registration if they are out of registered sire and dam. DNA parentage testing is required for all horses conceived by AI using collected semen (fresh or frozen) and/or embryo transfer. Any stallion or mare with semen or eggs collected is required to have DNA testing on file.
When a registered horse is sold, the seller will complete a line in the transfer areas on the back of the original certificate and sign. Either the seller or the purchaser shall send the original certificate of registration to the Registrar with the proper fee. Fee for transfers is $5.00 per horse for SMR members, $10.00 per horse for non-members. All checks must be made out to the Spanish Mustang Registry, Inc. Transfers require a minimum of ONE recent, closeup, full body photo showing as many markings as possible. More than one photo may be submitted if desired. An optional Transfer form may be also be completed. On receipt, the Registrar will record the transfer and mail the original certificate to the current owner.
Name Changes
If a horse has never produced offspring, a name change is allowed. More than one name MUST be submitted. You may contact the Registrar to check if a name is available. The original certificate MUST be sent in to be voided along with ONE recent, closeup, full body photo showing as many markings as possible. If the original certificate is lost, a letter explaining the circumstances must accompany the request. Name changes require a fee of $5.00 for SMR members, $10 for non-members. Name changes require the issuance of a new certificate which will be handled in the same manner as a new registration.
Duplicate Certificate
If a new certificate is necessary due to damage, fire, etc., the old certificate must be sent in if possible, a new one will then be issued but will show that it is a duplicate and will have the same exact information other than the date, as the original. Duplicate certificate fees are $5.00 for SMR member, $10 for non-member. One color photo must be sent in of the horse in question when a duplicate is requested. The original certificate, if available, will be voided and put in the horse’s file. If the original certificate is lost, a letter explaining the circumstances must accompany the request.
The SMR Studbook is available as PDF files on CD or via email. The files include core information on all horses registered with the SMR to date. It is available for purchase in the online store.
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*Additional processing fees may apply for online payments.