Achievements & Hall of Fame
To nominate a horse for the Hall of Fame and Achievements, please send a picture, name of the horse and SMR number, and a brief paragraph to say why you think this horse deserves a place in the Hall of Fame and submit.
SMR #3449
Chris Thompson's Spanish Mustang Stallion, Brego, has recently been accepted for affiliation by British Showjumping as a grade C show jumper (No. 396216). This is a first for the breed. He is now competing against horses of all breeds and sizes. He has, of December 31, 2013, competed in two Affiliated competitions at 3 ft height. In the first he had 4 faults for knocking a fence down, but at the second he jumped three double clear rounds and in the first one won UKP 14 ($20 US) prize money. Each double clear round consists of around 7 jumps untimed and if those are jumped clear the horse immediately continues onto to another approx. 7 jumps against the clock. In total that day he jumped between 40 and 45 competition jumps. A competition programme is being developed for him during 2014. In addition to Showjumping, Brego has competed successfully in one and three day events.
Wayward Wind
SMR #1599
1989 Bay Sabino Stallion - HOA #1751, AHHA #19
—Sequoyah SMR #1001 x Juanda SMR #1513
Wayward Wind was foaled on the Cayuse Ranch on May 12, 1989 which is also Deborah Tipton’s birthday. He was purchased from a photo as a 4-month-old and brought to Virginia in November of that year. Although largely unhandled, he quickly became a favorite of Deborah’s. She started with basic training, throwing in a lot of “self control lessons” as with all her stallion prospects. He is now owned by Sharon Sluss of Rainbow’s End Farm in Suffolk, Virginia.
✶ SMR El Caballo de Trabajo 1994
✶ Conquistador of Show 1996
✶ Show Horse of the Year 1996
✶ SMR Horse of the Year 1998
His achievements are many download the PDF below to read more about this outstanding Spanish Mustang.
Wayward Wind on the Cover of a 1993 issue of Current Living Magazine — used with permission from the magazine
Teton Spirit Horse aka Clyde
SMR #3935
Agility World Champion
Photo by Andy Watkins
✶ 2012 Reserve European Real Time Horse Agility Champion
✶ 2013 European Real Time Horse Agility Champion
✶ 2013 World Real Time Horse Agility Champion
Nicola Ravensford's Medicine Hat Spanish Mustang Teton Spirit Horse (Clyde) started competeing at the International sport of Horse Agility in March 2012 as part of his early training to prepare for a ridden career. His super smart Spanish Mustang mind meant he quickly learned what to do with the obstacles and he won the Reserve European Realtime Champion 2012 and in 2013 took the top spot and was crowned European and World Real Time Horse Agility Champion. Clyde, who was bred by Spanish Mustangs UK and founded the Ravensford herd managed these three titles before his 5th birthday! He has a blog documenting his and the other Spanish Mustangs in the Ravensford clan on their Facebook page below.
Geronimo’s Warrior
SMR #2006
In 2004 Geronimo’s Warrior, owned and ridden by Don Funk, and bred on the Cayuse Ranch in Wyoming, won the Jim Jones Stallion award for the 5th year running, and logged his 10000th mile with the AERC!
Chief Yellow Fox
SMR #653
Owned and Ridden by Kim Kingsley
Endurance Racing 1989 winnings included:
✶ MNDRA Grand Champion Hwt. Endurance
✶ UMECRA Grand Champion Hwt. Endurance
✶ UMECRA High Mile Endurance Horse (1200 miles)
✶ UMECRA High Point Endurance Horse and Stallion
✶ AERC Midwest Region Hwt. Grand Champion
✶ AERC Midwest Region Overall Grand Champion
✶ AERC 2000 Mile Award Recipient
✶ AERC Jim Jones Award Winner (1500 miles)
✶ AERC Top Ten National Senior Mileage (1500 miles)
✶ AERC Top Ten National 100 Miler Award
Kim wrote this about Chief Yellow Fox: “Fox and I traveled to five different regions of the AERC to ride seven 100 milers, ten 50 milers but due to rider error, we did not finish them. All of this riding took place in six months and two weeks. Fox carried 247 pounds the entire season. We ended up Top Ten is six of the 100 milers and three of the 50 milers. One cannot forget that in order to get all these rides Fox had to be trailered about 15,000 miles, and trailering takes its toll after awhile.”
Moon Spots
SMR #742
Owned and Ridden by Kim Kingsley
Endurance Racing 1988 winnings included:
✶ UMECRA Competitive Rookie of the Year
✶ UMESRA Top Ten Competitive Lwt.
✶ UMECRA Competitive High Point Stallion
✶ UMECRA 4th place Competitive Horse (700 miles)
Utah Chief
SMR #621
Foaled April 22, 1975 out of Utah Squaw SMR #608 by Wyoming Kid SMR #616, owned by Ed Covey from Canada. 1982 SMR performance horse and Conquistador of performance. This was Ed's favorite horse and is sadly now deceased and sorely missed.
Little Hawk
SMR #1373
Owned and Ridden by Ashley Newkirk
Out of Cosita Mia, by Black Hawk Little Hawk, Little Hawk was the SMR Games Horse of the Year for 2001 - accumulating 299 SMR points in one season. He was also the SMR Games Horse of the Year for 2002 - with 246 SMR points. He earned his Conquistador of Games in 2001 - the first horse that accumulated enough points in one season to earn that award. Ashley, riding Little Hawk, also received the Ferdie Brislawn Award in 2001 as she was a junior rider.